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Australian Superannuation Funds holds the greatest share of the national wealth in public and private self-managed funds.

Financial Planning in Australia was largely unregulated in the past and on occasion manipulation, fraud, dishonesty and loss occurred for poorly advised investors.

Our nation needs to have superannuation to provide for an ever increasing aging population.

ASIC was appointed to regulate financial advisers and to that end it is now a requirement that any individual or entity be licensed to hold an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL) to provide financial advice.

The Australian accounting profession is now divided between those that can provide financial services and those that can provide financial services and also financial advice.

Any financial advice must be qualified by providing a statement of financial advice. This statement must have understanding, transparency and clarity for those seeking advice so that an informed decisions can be made.

The future requirements to provide financial advice necessitates holding a University degree and all licenses stipulate what areas financial advice can be provided for.

Gregory Asher Sernack, M Comm MIPA AFPA AFSL is licensed to provide financial advice in superannuation and financial planning.

Gregory Asher Sernack M Comm MIPA AFPA AFSL is licensed to provide financial advice in superannuation and financial planning.

  • Are you getting the best advice for your superannuation interests?
  • Is the advice you’re receiving in accordance with the rules as the responsible trustee of your self-managed superannuation fund?

Superannuation Funds in Australia hold the greatest share of the national wealth.

These funds are held in both private self-managed funds and public funds.

Our nation needs superannuation to provide for an ever‑increasing ageing population.

Today financial advisers are regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission to provide a more robust and transparent advisory regime for investors and superannuants.

Today financial advice can only be provided by a licensed individual or entity with an Australian Financial Services License (AFSL).  Future AFSL licence holders must hold a university degree.

  • AFSL holders provide financial services and financial advice in relation to the areas stipulated on the license.
  • AFSL holders will give you financial advice that enables you to make an informed decision by providing you with a statement that is easily understandable, transparent and clear in relation to all your financial issues.
  • Non licensed practitioners can only provide financial services, not financial advice.

Gregory is licensed to provide financial advice in superannuation and financial planning.

Contact Gregory today on XXXX.